Embodied Fantasy (2022)

poem, airspray on cotton, chains, crotcheted fabrics, tree pines, airspray on wall, shoes witch engraved elements, sand, 3D animation loop 6’44’’, sound installation
Curator: Kat Zavada

This is the time of my bodily insomnia
I talk to myself believing that it’s a constant vibration informed in chaos

The lake
The forest
The desert
The swamp

I’m disconnection
The blooming flower on an ancient grave of delusional poet
I’m a cursed child of a golden hour whale song
I see you in the reflection of a green pond water mirror
Hoping that it’s not you anymore

I see
I feel
I crave

The sensation of your touch is etched forever on my skin
I know
I know
I know it won’t last long

That it was made to be replaced in the first place.
That you already replaced this sensation with a different one

A different body-mind
We danced together to the rhythm of the first rays of sun under the broken sky
We were the clouds of acid rain
The moon was our source-companion-lover
Midnight wild dance is the ritual that gave me power you don’t believe in

You’re my accident
My lost sanity
My fire breath

I wasn’t looking for anything
I got everything filled in sweet chaos (...)

view from the Embodied Fantasy exhibition in Nerdka, Cracow

fot. Michał Maliński

stills from “Embodied Fantasy” animation

view from the Embodied Fantasy exhibition in Nerdka, Cracow fot. Michał Maliński