fot. Filip Preis
Ernest Borowski is a queer, interdisciplinary artist and researcher living and working in Warsaw, Poland. Their works oscillate around physical instalations, 3D graphics, experimental film, sound compositions, new media and performance art. Using these tools, they explore the relationship between natureculture and technology, at the same time examining systemic practices of excluding minorities and looking for the possibility of queering the subject.
They employ speculative methods in both sound creation and visual storytelling to envision a world where human and more-than-human beings coexist and share their knowledge andsensitivity. What can we learn from swamps? Is it possible to gain a greater understanding of anti-productivity from our own bodies through dancing, as opposed to solely reading theory? What do the machines hum to us? The search for answers beyond institutional academia and their own human experience becomes a method of artistic practice – a thought experiment full of carnality. Playing with various mediums, intensities and textures, they create unsettling but seductive soundscapes and visual landscapes.
Under alias Bakblivv they explore club culture environments and communities as a potential models of mutual care and embodied knowledge sharing platforms.